Artist Not Known, March 2019
“Bye Bye” says an anonymous artist who spotted a gate in Shoreditch conveniently painted EU flag blue. This flag with one member missing piece echoes Banksy’s enormous EU flag with a tromp l’oeil worker chipping away a star brilliantly greeting UK leavers as they depart through Dover.
Banksy, Dover 2017 (during the 2107 General Election campaign)
It was noticeable and disappointing how little political street art appeared during the 2016 Brexit referendum campaign. The most memorable from a very small entry list were these spoofs on the adverts for Banksy’s street art documentary “Exit Through The Gift Shop” lampooning Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage.
Boris Johnson, Artist Not Known, June 2016
Nigel Farage, Artist Not Known, June 2016
Since then we have seen a ramping up of the Brexit street art as the unthinkable went from implausible to likely to now pretty much unavoidable.
Brexit Through The Chip Shop - CodeFC, June 2017
Scrap Brexit - Uberfubs, 2018
In the aftermath of the referendum result the immediate targets for street art scorn and derision were David Cameron, Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson, the architects and chief pom-pom wavers for the Leave cause.
Spineless Nigel Farage, UKIP party by MCLN
Boris Johnson buffoon, fuckwit, bellend, racist, snob by Boo Who Up North
3 Brexiteers - Derek Davis (gone), Boris Johnson (now officially missing inaction), Jacob Rees Mogg by Subdude, April 2018
Boris Johnson is DUMBO by K-Guy
Now we have forgotten who the first two were and the third has decided to hide his light under a bushel and let others take the heat of what looks likely to turn into a monumental chaotic fuck up likely to please neither the leave nor the remain camps. The political paralysis and consequential insertion of heads into the sand really gained a head of steam in December.
Scrap Brexit - Uberfubs, Dec 2018
Theresa May faced a vote of no confidence by her own party after cancelling the first so-called "meaningful vote" in December
Maygo - Joe Bloggs
I was recently obliged to take a few weeks away from the walls and pavements of Shoreditch and on resuming street meanderings at the weekend I was bowled over by the amount of Brexit streetart that appeared in that short absence.
The duo Quiet British Accent belatedly brought George V into the debate.
Quiet British Accent - Bugger Brexit
Benjamin Irritant’s rabbit asks a very pointed rhetorical question, is it great again yet?
Benjamin Irritant
The Misfortuneteller has developed a witty street cartoon style in the past couple of years, this largest piece to date borrows its style from a closing down sale, its simplicity belying the fact that it is emphasizing the gap between the Brexiteer’s promises of “the easiest trade deals ever negotiated” against the visibly increasing isolation the country faces with borders and barriers hardening, no deals and inward investment evaporating.
Britain Closing - The Misfortuneteller
Subdude, producer of a lot of Brexit related art over the past few years, has deviated from his usual distinctive style of political humour on flat colour blocks to deliver a hand drawn condemnation of petty sectarian spats, photos and cartoons on newspaper pages make it clear who is the target of the jibe. Apparently Subdude has put six out on the streets but so far I have only found two, one of which overlays a political cartoon illustrating Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn both facing a common dilemma, Brexit actually threatening to irreparably split both of the UK’s main political parties. Ironically, in order to placate their parties both are having to turn away from the fact that neither actually supports the position they politically obliged to adopt, we live in weird times.
Cigarette packet health warnings have been used as the basis for political street art for over 10 years, in fact almost since the regulations came in in 2003, think K-Guy in the mid 2000s. Wanker’s Of The World, whose mission is to identify and award that sobriquet to suitable candidates in the public eye are responsible for enormous cigarette packets mocking the main proponents of the Brexiteers. There are apparently 6, we located 5 in the past week. Ironically, the adoption of those cigarette packet warnings is actually an EU law which mandates the format, size and range of messages in all EU countries.
Jacob Rees-Mogg, chair "European Research Group". Brexit Can Be Fatal
Theresa May, Brexit Causes Family Arguments (who's putting out the bins?)
Boris Johnson, Brexit harms your children
Michael Gove, Quit Brexit Now
Graffoto strives constantly to be fair, even handed and balanced in its coverage so here is a comprehensive review of all the pro Brexit street art seen since 2016:
It is hard to know what the big take away from this is. “Keep going guys, street art will change it all” or “too little too late”? Who knows what the monkeys in the chamber are going to do next, certainly they don’t!
Bansky - Bristol Museum, 2009
Banksy website
CodeFC Instagram
Uberfubs Instagram
MCLN Instagram
Boo Who Up North Instagram
Subdude London Instagram
K-Guy Instagram
Joe Bloggs Instagram
Quiet British Accent Instagram
Benjamin Irritant Instagram
The Misfortuneteller Instagram
Wankers Of The World Website
All Photos: Dave Stuart