I don't know how I have missed this, I have not seen it before but this contemporary short film is absolutely fascinating. A sprightly Martha Cooper jumps on top of car roofs to get those outdoor whole train panorama shots while Henry Chalfant does one of the best impressions of Keith Haring ever (ok...maybe I exaggerate).
Merci Beaucoup to French graff blog AllCityBlog for bringing this to my attention.
I met Martha Cooper and Henry Chalfant in 2009 at Black Rat when they came to London to release the 25th Anniversary edition of Subway Art. That was an incredibly exciting experience for me. None of us will ever replicate their achievement of truely discovering a new artform that had not been documented before quite like the way they did it.
To see what I wrote at that time about that anniversary edition of Subway Art and the experience of meeting Martha, Henry and NY legend Blade who was over with them, click HERE